Useful links
Early Help Hub - A single point of access for professionals, families and young people to access early help services in Cornwall
Call: 01872322277 Email: earlyhelphub@cornwall.gov.uk www.cornwall.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/childrens-services/early-help/
MARU - If you are worried about a child and think a child or young person might be suffering neglect or abuse contact the Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) Call: 0300 1231 116 Email: multiagencyreferralunit @cornwall.gov.uk
Here are some other useful links:
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Children partnership
Child and adolescent mental health services
Child sexual exploitation - NSPCC
How to explain anxiety to your child
Keeping Children Safe in Education
NHS Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly Talking Therapies for Anxiety & Depression
Working together to safeguard children